Claiming Sustainable Aviation Fuel Benefits with SAF Credits

As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, the aviation industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its climate impact. With the close relation of aviation and climate change, this industry demands alternative, environmentally friendly emissions reduction solutions. This is where sustainable aviation fuels come in. 

SAF offers a drop-in replacement for traditional jet fuel that can reduce air travel emissions by 80%. SAF enables the aviation industry to reduce their climate impact and any unavoidable carbon dioxide emissions can be compensated with Carbon Offsets to reach a truly Net Zero society. 

Why is SAF Important?

Before looking into sustainable fuel availability, we need to take a step back and look into aviation industry advancements and understand the reason why Sustainable Aviation Fuels have such importance. 

The first step to combat global warming was up to engineers. In order to reduce Aviation emissions and reach Net Zero by 2050 manufacturers have created the most fuel-efficient engines that have ever existed. However, no matter the energy efficiency of the engine, traditional fuels still produce a large amount of emission. Therefore, a renewable energy source with drastically decreased emissions can be the final step to reaching Net Zero.

An airplane engine being worked on

What are Sustainable Aviation Fuels? 

SAF is a drop-in fuel made from renewable and sustainable sources, such as biomass and agricultural waste. Being a drop-in fuel means that SAF has the same properties as traditional jet fuels. Hence, it can be used in jet engines to blend with conventional jet fuel or completely replace it. 

Since SAF emits lower CO2 emissions, increased use of SAF is crucial for Net Zero by 2050 goals. In fact, 65% of emission reduction by 2050 relies on the use of SAF.

Availability of SAF: 

Since 2019, SAF availability has increased from 25 million litres to more than 400 million litres in 2022. And it’s also expected that refineries capacity will increase to more than 400% by 2025. However, this supply is not easily accessible to most Aircraft operators. 

Screenshot from ICAO SAF facility finder showing many out of service SAF providers

In fact, we used ICAO SAF Facilities Map and looked for available supplies, and as we expected only a handpick of facilities was in service. In order to accomplish all pillars of sustainable development, access to SAF and its benefits must be provided to all airports. On the other hand, it is understandable that these renewable fuels produced in certain refineries are more difficult to transfer to airports in other countries.

What’s the Solution for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Availability?

One possible solution is using Book-and-Claim or Buy-and-Claim ledgers to claim the benefits of sustainable fuels used in a different places. Similar to how Carbon Offsets allow everyone to claim the benefits of removing or avoiding GHG emissions in another part of the world, Sustainable Aviation Fuels allow everyone to claim the reduction of emissions resulting in burning SAF in another place. 

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credits (SAFc) allow producers to sell the physical fuel at the same price as conventional fuel to the closest airports. Hence no additional emissions for transportation of the fuel and maximize reduction benefits. The USER of this fuel will not claim any reduction benefits from using this fuel. Simultaneously, an aircraft operator willing to pay the premium price of SAF for reducing aviation emissions will be able to CLAIM the reduction amount toward their Net Zero Emissions goal. 

Benefits of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credits:

Easier Access, MORE Reduction

Being able to claim SAF benefits without requiring to transport fuel for long distances will increase the popularity and accessibility of SAF among all operators. In addition, SAFc will avoid high transport emissions from refineries to distant operators resulting in even more reduction benefits

Increasing the Demand

SAF credits not only answer the existing demand but also increase the demand for using renewable energy fuel. With easy and effortless access to SAF sustainability characteristics aircraft owners and operators will be more open to using SAF or SAF credits. Therefore, the increasing cash flow will propel the development of more sustainable fuel.  

Claiming the Benefits

With the growing demand for SAF credits, it can be difficult to trust their validity. A book and claim system can provide assurance by verifying the credits through a third party, giving owners the confidence that their purchases are genuinely helping the environment. Furthermore, this system helps ensure the validity of SAF credits and makes a real impact on reducing air traffic emissions.

A visual representation how SAF is used in another place and all sustainability benefits will be claimed by the entity that has purchased SAF credits.

In conclusion

SAF credits make it easier for aircraft operators to claim their reduction of emissions and contribute to a greener future. In addition, the use of a book and claim system verifies the validity of the credits, giving operators confidence in their purchase. By claiming the benefits of SAF, operators can play their part in reducing emissions in the aviation industry and support the goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

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